Green Bean Books just up the road from Candy Babel!
Each week involves guest artisans and field trips around Alberta. Expect bookbinding and game making projects, glass fusing, pottery painting, and even a lesson in homemade candy.
Each week culminates with a party and art show.
July 22-26: Westward Ho! Pioneer Crafts from the Oregon Trail
Candy Babel will be joining in on the fun! Creating Hardtack bags to fill with delicious old fashioned Rations!
M-F; 1-4:30PM
$175/week; includes all materials and snacks
Bind a journal like the ones Lewis and Clark used when mapping out the American West, try your hand at churning butter, and assemble a glass brooch while reliving excerpts from books like Little House on the Prairie.
August 5-9: Mythology and Magic: Arts from Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome
Ages 8-11
M-F; 1-4:30PM
$175/week; includes all materials and snacks
Craft a homemade board game from Ancient Egypt, learn about papyrus and early paper, learn about Greek pottery and paint ceramics at Mimosa Studios on Alberta, while learning about theater and mythology from days past.
Space is limited; sign up by calling 503-954-2354, or visiting Green Bean Books!
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